The ability to use our brain and our felt sense to access internal resources can support us to move out of overwhelm, help us ground in safety and increase the size of our nervous system container - allowing us more freedom and presence through embodied awareness.
Come home to the body.
Create a more robust container of safety and connection.
Learn via the body and lean into the bodily sensations.
Explore your movement, your breath and your thoughts.
Begin to find the ease in the ease and ease in the dis-ease.
Consider the possibility of reframing your traumas as growth and gifts.
Recruit your body to calm the mind and nervous system.
Establish a friendship and trust with your body or perhaps even learn that you do have a body.
Become more in your body.
Listen to the language of your nervous system.
Begin to notice the landscape of your sensations and emotions and feel safe to notice or witness them.
Sit in your being in a way that empowers you to feel connected, safe, less reactive and less stressed.